Wednesday, September 10, 2008

August 2008- Growing way too fast!

Our three cute kids. It amazes me how fast they grow. Kaleigh started preschool at Westmore Elementry. She goes Monday thru Friday and loves it. I also love it because I get a little break. She especially loves going to dance and I can see a huge improvement compared to where she was when she first started her dance class last year. She is your typical girl. My cute little Hagen is no longer a baby. He is a rough and tumbly little boy who loves any kind of sport, dinosaurs, cars, and really really likes to tease Kaleigh. He is starting to talk really well and he is almost potty trained (yea!!). And last my sweet little baby. Sidney is amazingly cute and amazingly chunky. At her 2 month apt. she weighed 12 lb's!! She loves her brother and sister and makes the cutest squeals when they play with her. She is starting to giggle and smiles a ton and when she cries she pulls her bottom lip over the top one.
I am so blessed to have a wonderful family.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Aug. 6-7th - Family Camping

This last weekend we went REAL camping. NO toilets or showers or swimming pools. We drove through A.F. Canyon until we found a dispursed camping site next to the stream. The first day was the roughest for Kaleigh, she immediately found a red ant and picked it up and it bit her then she tripped over the tent opening all night. The next morning was better and she finally wanted to stay. Little Hagen loved it. He was a big helper especially when it came to keeping the fire going. He also fell in the fire as he was walking backwards trying to get a good distance away from the water. Luckly he had a thick coat and hat or he would have gotten burned. Sidney did great, she just hung out with mom and ate and slept the entire time.