Monday, November 23, 2015

Lights at Orem City Center- Nov. 23rd, 2015

For FHE we went to see the lights at Orem City Center being turned on.
We enjoyed cocoa, donuts, Christmas songs and Santa.
 these cute kiddos thought it was fun watching the lights turn on

 Sidney was so excited to take a picture with the princess'!
 And then their was Elsa.  She was hanging out with Santa and Sid had to meet Elsa!
Calvin really wanted to see Santa so we waited forever and ever but finally made it!

Reflections- Nov. 23, 2015

This year we dominated!
We worked really hard for the perfect projects.  
I think it's extremely important that the kiddos always try something new and to participate in extra curricular projects.  Hopefully I am shaping them into amazing individuals ;-)
The theme was "Let Your Imagination Fly"

This cute girl:
For the literature category she wrote a short story about becoming a dentist and got and award of merit (basically 2nd place, if I understood it correctly) 
 In the photography category she submitted a photo she took at Canyon Lands and got and award of Excellance (basically 1st place)

This cute kiddo got two awards of excellance.
 His first award of excellance was in photography for this awesome photo that he took at Arches National Park.  Can you see the elephant?
He also created a fun lego film.  He was the only entry and obviously received the award of excellence.   He had fun and did an awesome job as well.
I couldn't get the video to download on the blog- Sorry.

This cute girl only submitted one project in photography and got an award of excellence.
 This is a picture that she took in Arches National Park.

Happy Halloween- Oct. 31, 2015

It's finally the big night! 
Trick or Treating and lots of candy.

 Uncle Lance, Diana, Kaleigh, Hagen (pirate), Sidney (mouse), and Calvin (bumble bee)

 It was fun to chat with our friends and neighbors and take cute pictures.
 Diana and Kaleigh
These two girls are getting too big.  They weren't really interested in trick or treating, they just wanted to take Calvin around.
Calvin didn't want to trick or treat after 30 minutes so the girls went with Diana's mom, Sheila, to Sundance for a fun night.
Diana was Malificent and Kaleigh was Bellatrix
I was able to take a quick pix at school before they took it all off.

Oct. 21, 2015- pre-k Pumpkin Land field trip

I was asked to help with the preschool field trip.  So much fun since I don't normally go with my kiddo's on their field trips.  For Calvin's field trip they went to pumpkin land.  I loved meeting all his little friends and setting up play dates.  I love that Calvin gets to go to school and learn.

 Kevin, Ezra, and Calvin
 Calvin holding the class pet "Chester

 Snack time!

 At the end of the day they were able to choose a pumpkin to bring home.
 Class picture with all these cute kiddo's!
bus ride home
The next best thing to going to the pumpkin patch is riding the cool yellow bus!