Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 2011 Festivities

So little Calvin is officially 4 months. On the 11th of July he had his 4 month appointment. He was a whopping 16 lb 4 oz!!! He is nothing but squishy rolls. He is rolling over to his tummy but still has a hard time pulling his arm out from underneath him. He loves to watch his brother and sisters as they jump around and make funny noises and then he laughs and laughs. His cute little personality is starting to show each day. He is also eating baby food now. Over the past two weeks he as successfully learned how to eat off of a spoon. They grow so fast, before long he will be feeding himself. We also took a little trip to the zoo for the first time this summer as a family.

Little calvin needed a bottle break.

The famous Elephant that we always get a picture with every time we go to the zoo.

This pix is a little blury, but is was the best pix I had. Of course it had to rain on Monday night so all the kiddos huddled on the porch to avoid the rain drops. We had a fun night watching a quick group of fireworks. It was nice to get the kids in bed a little earlier than expected as well.

Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July Weekend 2011

On Saturday the 2nd of July we went to a park to watch the stadium of fire fireworks. We had a great time hanging out with family. Thanks for inviting us Mark and Jenny!

Sarah-Kaleigh-KimJenny, Me, and Calvin
Sidney and Hagen

For Monday the 4th we had a little BBQ in the back yard until it started to rain.

Our cute little Calvin just hanging out.The Kids had fun in the sprinklerWhen actually started to get dark it started to rain. So we set up the canapy and sat under it and lit fireworks and when we finished we just sat and watched all the fireworks going off. We almost didn't even need to buy any.

Hagen and Calvin Mom and Calvin

Dad, Sidney, and Kaleigh lighing sparklers

Saturday, July 2, 2011

June Family Fun

June hasn't been the most eventful month but it has been nice to have warm sunny days instead of rain. This last weekend my little sis, Holly, and her Husband came for a little visit while they were on their way to Arizona to live. We went to eat and hung out and talked. It was nice to see them again.

This last Sunday we woke up too late to make it on time to stake conference, so instead of going to church we packed up the kids and a little picnic lunch and headed to Provo Canyon. We went to Bridal Veil Falls and had a fun Sunday afternoon.
Jared took the kids out into the water fall while Mom held little Calvin.

Sidney thought the water was too cold to walk in so she sat by me most of the time.