Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hagen's crash landing

It has been really nice, starting to warm up but has been raining. So, when it was really nice this last Sunday the kids took advantage of it and spent a few hours riding around the neighborhood. Hagen ran into the sidewalk and flew off his scooter. The girls came running in telling me about the blood, with Hagen not far behind him. Eveyone felt bad and he got lots of cookies that night. Hagen got some great road rash but it is healing quickly and looks a lot better five day into it.
Poor little guy!

Hagen 6th Birthday

My little Hagen is "6" cute little guy has gotten so big and independent. We celebrated with family after we had our family Easter hunt and egg coloring.

He is getting so big. He loves all marvel characters, especially batman and spiderman. Being outside, and is a typical boy. This year he is in Kindergarten and is doing very well. I am glad I have this little guy!!

Here is our cute family.
I can't find the pictures, I wonder if I accidently deleted it?! but he got a spiderman outfit from the Olsens and from our family we gave him a remote helecopter that is really fun and very kid friendly. The Olsen's also gave Calvin his birthday gift of batman pj's. He was very cute in them.

Easter Morning 2012

Easter morning is finally here! The night before the kiddo's were so excited to put their baskets out for the Easter bunny to fill up with goodies. The bunny came very late.
The kids were up at 7:00 am and very anxious to open get in their baskets. They got webkinz and remote control cars.

Hagen and his yellow car.

After Church we went to the canyon for a little picnic. We rode our scooters, and played with the remote control cars. Calvin loves being outside so he had a blast.

Kaleigh and Hagen explored and had a great time on their scooters.

Dad and Cute Sidney

Mom and Calvin

Easter Eggstravaganza 2012

Happy Easter! I really enjoyed Easter this year and hopefully my kiddo's had a good time as well. It was Calvin's first Easter so it was kinda funny watching him and his reactions to the egg hunt and coloring eggs.

Here are my cute kiddos sitting on the trampoline after their egg hunt. All the kids: Calvin, Kaleigh, Olivia, Ily, Roger (My friends little boy), Sidney, and Hagen
Calvin really didn't care about the eggs, he just wanted the chocolate candy inside.

Who am I kidding. I made sure I had two eggs for Calvin but those two eggs were being sucked on until he figured out that he could smash them against the table. Eventually, I just peeled one of the eggs and he ate it and loved it. The other egg was smooshed and didn't look very pretty.

Sidney and Cody (friend) coloring eggs

Kaleigh and Ily
Hagen and Olivia

After we colored easter eggs, they each got to decorate a egg shaped sugar cooke to eat!

Here is cute Kaleigh with her masterpiece

Calvin, eating his cookie. I think he had way too much sugar that day.

We LOVE Mcdonalds!

A few weeks ago I had just finished helping in Hagens Class. I had all he kids in the car, instead of walking, since it was a rainy day. So, I called Jared at work and told him we were coming to pick him up to go to lunch. We left the decision up to Sidney and Hagen as to where they wanted to go. My cute Kiddos wanted to go to Mcdonalds! We like coming to this Mcdonalds since they have a little play area that is perfect for Calvin and the bigger kids. They had lots of fun, especially little Calvin. Sidney and Calvin

Sidney thought it was really cool to sit on Ronald Mcdonalds lap.

Calvin had a blast exploring.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sheldon and Jace

Many of you may know that on March 17th we lost my brother Sheldon and his little guy, Jace. This was completely unexpected and the last people that I would have thought we would have to say good bye to. These two pictures below are a few pix that were taken while they were staying with us in 2010. This is a picture of the siblings with Julie at the funeral in Washington with Julie
Holly-Me-Julie-Lance-and Matthew

At the grave site in Salt Lake City we let balloons in the air in Memory of Jace and Sheldon.
This experience has really taught me that even though we expect to live a long life, that isn't always the plan for us. We need to live each day to the fullest with out any regrets. My brother was an amazing example of someone who gave everything in all that he did and all that he had accomplished. We love you Julie! I have had a few weeks to look at my life and the little things that I can improve on so that when it is my time I will be remembered as some one who always gave everything in all that I did just as Sheldon did.

St. Patricks Day 2012

So I am extremely behind on my blog!! Trying to catch up but it may take a few days. Here we are the morning of St. Patricks Day. For breakfast the kiddos were so excited to eat grean eggs and waffles. I think this is going to be a tradition for a long time. They were extremely excited and super cute.