Sunday, September 28, 2014

August 2014- Flaming Gorge Dam Tour

On our last day of camping the clouds finally cleared up.  It was still cold but at least it wasn't raining anymore.  We had originally planned on going down the Green River and taking to the kids to Flaming Gorge for a little water time but instead it was cold and rainy.
We decided to take a little drive to dam to show the kids and was able to get a tour.
The kids thought it was pretty cool to look down at all the fish and of course the dam.

Hagen, Heidi, Sidney, and Matthew taking in the view.
Calvin and Jared checking out the view.

Sheena and Matthew
I just love that we all stood next to the fish food sign as if we are fish food
Ily and Olivia
Looks like they actually like each other.
My cute family!
Matthew and Calvin
Paul and Mom
Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids
All except for Calvin who refused to be in the picture.

August 2013- Family Campout

Family camping trip at Red Cloud Loop near Vernal, Utah.  Every year someone has a turn to plan the campout.  This year it was Matthew and Sheena's turn.  As it always does it poured almost the whole time.  We had fun playing games and just hanging out.
You would think that the big yellow van would have enough guts to make it out of its parking spot.  It doesn't, thanks to Tanner and his awesome truck both trailer and van were pulled to safety.
Ily, Heidi, Holly, and Sheena playing in the mud!
The kiddos enjoyed playing games.  Calvin wanted to join in even though he didn't know what he was doing.  As long as he was involved with the big kids.
my cute husband!
Our Shanty town.  It poured and poured so we built an enclosure to shield us from the rain.
Holly doing the bathroom dance.
My Calvin wanted to play outside as much as possible.  (that is not a bloody nose-it's his injury from the treadmill all scabbed up)
Ily, Olivia, and Grandpa Paul playing games.
It had finally stopped pouring rain so we were finally were able to start a fire and roast some mallows.  YaY!
Tanner and Holly, just hanging out.
Mom and Suggy. 

August 2014- First Day of School

First day of school for these cute kiddos.  They were excited and so was mom. 
Kaleigh is in 5th grade and her teacher is Mrs. Topham. 
Hagen is in 3rd grade and his teacher is Mrs. Rodin.
Sidney is in 1st grade and her teacher is Mrs. Heap.
I love these kiddos and I love that they are excited for school and to learn.
After the school on the first day we always have a treat and everyone tells me about their day.  Sidney ended up at Camilla's house and I ended up with Olivia.  Overall they all had a great day and really liked their teacher.  Sidney came home an hour later and talked non stop about her day and absolutely loves her teacher.
After school pictures!
Cutest kids ever!