Friday, February 25, 2011

February 2011

Jared, keeps bugging me to update the blog so I figured I should probably do it before the month is completely over. This month has been a crazy month with lots of family gatherings, parties, valentines, and preparing for baby #4. Through all of the craziness we managed to survive and had some fun while we were at it.
I have decided that when you have little ones, Valentines is no longer a holiday for couples. We didn't even attempt to find a sitter. We took the kids to Applebee's and the kids ordered Mac n Cheese like they always do and we waited for the balloon lady to come to our table and make balloon animals. They got a box of chocolates and an apron from Mom and Dad.
These next pictures were taken before we went to a birthday party at chucky cheese for my friends little boy. The kids looked so stinking cute I couldn't help myself.

Last night, the 24th, Kaleigh had a patriotic program at school. Jared had to work so I took the kids alone. Kaleigh did a great job singing and saying her part of the program.
Well here's the dreaded picture I try to avoid my entire pregnancy. I figured that I should probably get one or two in before the end is in sight. We have 13 day left and are scheduled for March 10th. I am miserable and complain about everything from my swollen feet to my huge tummy that sticks straight out. Jared says I am no longer a basketball, I am a beach ball. I am down to an extremely limited amount of clothing since my stomach is so big and only four shirts will cover my stomach completely. At least once a day someone asks, "are you having one or two?" I am not a fan of being pregnant and am very anxious to have this little guy so that I can see my feet and start fitting in normal clothes. I am counting down for the big day, maybe he will decide to come earlier than the 10th since I am already scheduled a week earlier for my Cesarean. Cross your fingers for me.