Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day of School!! 2013

Yeaa for the first day of school!!!  Being a mom is amazing but I love the break that I also receive because my kids attend school.  This year we are early birds.  They all go to school at 8:00 am, which is not the most awesome time but it limits the amount of trips to pick up and drop off my kids to two or three instead of three or four. 
These two cute kids looked pretty cute for the first day!  8:00 am came really early after being able to sleep in all summer.

We walked to school with the nieghbor kids!

Sid started school the next week.  She is officially in kindergarten!!! She is one proud little girl and she loves it!

Calvin was so excited to See Sidney!  I think he missed her!

Sidney and her best friend Camilla are both in the same class!  They are the best of friends and not only spend the entire morning together but play after school after I wake up until 6:00 pm everyday!

Eating cookies with my four cute kids after the official first day of school!

Yes we are potty training Calvin.  I have been putting it off since he doesn't really say many words.  He is getting better, his main word is batman but he still doesn't put two words together yet and he is 2 1/2 years old.  In the last week he has started telling me he needs to pee before he actually pees and a few days ago he actually went potty with out telling me.  We are getting close!  Hopefully this box I just purchased is my last!  Keeping my fingers crossed!