Monday, June 23, 2008

June 23rd, 2008- Baby Sidney

Here she is everyone!! Yea, my pregnancy is finally over, I love the kids but don't look forward to actually being pregnant.
She was born June 23rd, 2008.
Weighed 6 lb 11 Oz
18 inches long
Born at 7:53 AM
Name: Sidney Marie Smith
Sidney had a little trouble breathing on her own. She spent about an hour under the oxygen tent until she could finally breath better.
Kaleigh wanted to hold Sidney the entire time. Hagen was scared. At the end of the night he would finally hold her for about 2 seconds, then he said "no baby, no baby".
Jared is a proud father, he is looking forward to having this little one sleeping on his chest.

Here we are, all finished and happy.

Jared's parents and little Sidnay.