Monday, March 12, 2012

Calvin is One!

On Saturday my sweet little guy turned 1! Calvin is my last baby. Kinda sad to realize that I will never have a one year old ever again, but at the same time a good moment to know that even though he is my last I look forward to not having to buy diapers, formula, and all those other little things ever again. We had a little party for him with the family. I just snapped a few shots of the birthday boy. Should have taken more of all our great family and friends who came and supported our sweet little boy. Thank you everyone for spending the afternoon with us.
Here is a pix with Sidney and also my friends little guy, Roger, that plays with Calvin a lot.

Here he is in his cute chair (cutest chair in the world) with all his presents.

He wasn't so sure about the cake but wanted the train.

Mmmm he loved the cake but not so sure about the icecream

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!


Krista said...

Calvin is adorable as are your kids too. :) I love the pic of him in the green chair.