Friday, November 9, 2012

October 2012 Miscellaneous Pictures

Soo, I just got a new camera.  So that means that I am going to update on a regular basis and my pictures are not going to look yellow anymore!  And now I can take lots and lots of pictures!  Yea! 
Hagen relaxing on the couch!

Kaleigh, Sidney, and Hagen ready for church

He looks like a little gnome!

The yellow hat is actually the cardboard that goes inside the witch hat so it will stand up.  Cute kids!

Kaleigh, watching some toons

Sidney and Hagen

Sidney with her cool teeth playing games

The firestation did an open house with free cotton candy, I think that was their favorite part of the whole thing.

Hagen with the cool Ambulance guys

My cute little calvin getting so big.  He is not a baby any more.