Sunday, October 30, 2016

Trunk or Treat- Oct. 29, 2016

The annual Trunk or Treat that everyone is so excited for.  These cute kids had a blast getting candy, hanging out with there friends and showing off there costumes.
Hagen is Harry Potter
This cute girl thinks she is too old to dress up!
Calvin is a pirate.
Sid is the cutest nerd ever and Calvin loves to keep her company.
Sammy, Hagen, and Weston

Halloween Symphony with Grandma and Grandpa Smith- Oct. 28, 2016

Grandpa and Grandma Smith took our family to a Halloween Symphony.  The kids were a little worried that they were going to be bored and Mom was worried they would be anxious leave but they loved it and had a great time.  There favorite was the ghost buster song.  After the concert they were able to go trick or treating.  We had a fun night.
During one of the numbers all the kids that dressed up were able to walk across the stage.  Hagen and Sidney were brave enough to do so.
After the Symphony we went for desert at Denny's.
We had a great time!

Shooting with the Largey Family- Oct. 22, 2016

It's always fun to go out and shoot targets and have some family time.  This is the first time that Calvin was able to shoot, he loved it and we made sure we stressed the rules of guns.  As for these big kids this is some thing they enjoy and I love that they are always so excited to shoot.
Heidi shooting the shot gun.  Didn't hit anything-I am really rusty.
Dad and Calvin
Dad and Kaleigh
Dad and Sid
Sharlee and Weston (family friends)
Mom and Sid just hanging out watching everyone shoot.
Hagen shooting all by himself
Sidney, Calvin, and Hagen
Kaleigh showing us how to hold the gun when walking.
We tried teaching the kids how to throw the skeets.  It's tricky.  
Jared is worried one might get him.

Family Pumpkin Carving- Oct. 15, 2016

We love carving pumpkins.  It is so much fun to see these kiddos start to try new things and want to be creative.  I also love how excited they are to finish with an awesome pumpkin and be so excited to see it lit up at night.
Calvin, Jared, and Hagen
Sid pulling out the pumpkin guts
His eyes are all cut out!
Sid carving a dog face.
Hagen carving something scary!
We are done and excited to show off our pumpkins!

Hagen's Cub Scout Activities- October 2016

The Cub Scouts has had a lot of fun outings this month.

They were able to have a tour of the Orem history museum with Docent Campbell. He grew up in Orem, raised his family there and served in Vietnam. To hear the stories told from his perspective- not the media's- was pretty incredible. I hope Hagen and these boys remember it.

They were also able to go the the Fire Station Open House

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hee Haws- Oct. 6, 2016

Every year we have the opportunity to go to Hee Haws thanks to Amilyn, who sold my dad's houses.
We look forward to this every year.  It is nice that it's not too big and we love that fun activities.

 Olivia and Hagen
 Calvin and Hagen on the slide
Kaleigh and Calvin


 These girls loved the bunnies!
 The corn box- It's better than Sand and easier to clean up.

Miscellaneous Pictures- October 2016

These three boys went to Joy school together and still are good friends and hang out together.  They are in the 5th grade now.
This picture was taken at a funeral on October 1st, for Hagen and Weston's teacher, Mrs. Hone, whose daughter had passed.
Sammy, Weston, and Hagen
 For the school carnival on October 3rd, the 5th and 6th graders had the opportunity to decorate a cake for the cake auction, themed after a favorite book.
Hagen loves Harry Potter so this is the decoration that we put on his cake.

Conference Weekend- Oct. 1-2nd, 2016

Conference weekend is a great time to just relax, listen to great messages, and spend time as a family.
These two couldn't help but fall asleep while listening to conference.

Calvin with his Hobbes
 Sid and Calvin
After listening to conference on Sunday we went for a ride through the Alpine Loop.
It was beautiful.  The leaves in the trees had changed colors and it was nice to get out into nature and experience it.
 It never fails, anytime we go for a drive most everyone falls asleep.
 Sid woke up just in time for a picture.
 Kaleigh was the only one that stayed awake the whole time.