It's always fun to go out and shoot targets and have some family time. This is the first time that Calvin was able to shoot, he loved it and we made sure we stressed the rules of guns. As for these big kids this is some thing they enjoy and I love that they are always so excited to shoot.
Heidi shooting the shot gun. Didn't hit anything-I am really rusty.
Heidi shooting the shot gun. Didn't hit anything-I am really rusty.
Dad and Calvin
Dad and Kaleigh
Dad and Sid
Sharlee and Weston (family friends)
Mom and Sid just hanging out watching everyone shoot.
Hagen shooting all by himself
Sidney, Calvin, and Hagen
Kaleigh showing us how to hold the gun when walking.
We tried teaching the kids how to throw the skeets. It's tricky.
Jared is worried one might get him.
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