Monday, August 22, 2016

Hagen's summer fun with Boston- August 6-12, 2016

Hagen was so excited to hang out with his cousin Boston in Riverdale.  Thanks to Aunt Michelle keeping these boys busy, Hagen had a blast and these boys were able to spend time together.

These cute boys made guns out of paper towel rolls and lots of tape.
 Watching Olympics at Pizza Pie Cafe
 Hagen playing with Razor

 Hagen helped with Boston's arrow of light presentation
 Swimming at the Roy Aquatic Center
 After swimming they had pizza and watched Suicide Squad at the drive in.
 More swimming
 Boston was so sad that Hagen had to go home that he snuck a walkie talkie into Hagen's bag.  
Hagen tried gettting in contact with Boston for 30 minutes until I told him that they had to be closer for them to work.