Friday, March 25, 2011

Calvin is 2 weeks old!

Well here we are, we made it to the two week mark. Little Calvin had his first doctor appointment on Thursday. He weigh's 8 lb 5 1/2 oz. We left the hospital two weeks ago weighing 8 oz and is now 1/2 oz shy of his birth weight. He is starting to sleep longer between feedings at night, which is nice for Mom. He is also starting to smile and reacts when someone talks to him. He still sleeps the day away and rarely cries unless he has to wait for his bottle. As far as everyone else, we are all adjusting the changes. The kids are so good at being patient and also helping out with Calvin. They constantly want to hold him, even Hagen. Sidney loves her baby brother and is convinced that he is only her baby brother and not Kaleigh's and Hagen's. Mom is not as tired as I was the first week but I am starting to adjust to the lack of sleep. Dad and Calvin watching the tube.
Cute Hagen has decided that he wants to be a construction worker when he grows up and for the past two days has been wearing goggles and a tool belt. It's pretty cute to watch him.
Kaleigh has been participating in the after school 4H clubs. She chose to go to the Science and the yoga club. Tonight was the parent show case and she got to go on stage and show the parents some of the yoga moves she has learned. It was fun to watch her and see what she has learned.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

1 Week Old!!

Our little guy is one week old!! He is starting to fill out and is now drinking 3-4oz each time he eats instead of 2 oz. He sleeps the day a way but does have his moments where he is awake and alert and reacting to voices and sounds. He has chubby little cheeks but has a cute little dimple on his right cheek that makes itself know when he grins really big. I am excited to start seeing his personality and little smiles. We are still working on the difference between night and day. Mom is looking forward to more sleep at night. I think Jared is as well so that Mom isn't so emotional and tired. All said and done it is all worth the lack of sleep to have this little guy in our lives.This picture was taken after our first sponge bath at home. He was a lot cleaner but didn't like the process of being cleaned.
Sid was trying to comfort Calvin and make him feel better.
He is not happy about bath time. Hopefully in time he will learn to enjoy it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our Cute Little Guy!

Well after a few days in the hospital we are finally home. I requested an early release and the doctor signed off on it so I was pretty happy.
Here is Little Calvin right after we arrived home.Here he is all bundled up in his car seat getting ready to leave the hospital this morning

He is such a good little sleeper and he grunts almost the entire time he sleeps.

We had lots of visistors come to see little calvin.
Lance, Des, Ily and olivia
I thought this was a cute pix of Sid and Dad with Calvin. Sidney wouldn't let anyone hold her baby unless she was sitting with them.
Kaleigh and little Calvin
Hagen wouldn't hold Calvin, so Jared had to sit with him.
Grandma Smith, Sidney and Calvin

Grandpa Smith, Sidney and Calvin
Uncle Jacob also got a turn but not without help

My friend Sheree and her kids came to visit as well.
Drake and Sheree
Dally, Sheree and Deagon

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Little Calvin Steen Smith is here!

We are so excited that this day if finally here. We showed up at the hospital at 5:30 am. We checked in and then prepared for a c-section. I was nervous, excited, and a little scared as well. At 7:40 am they pulled him out bum first. He was a big kid compared to my other three. Kaleigh weighed 6'13, Hagen weighed 6'3, and Sidney weighed 6'11. This little guy came out weighing 8'6 and was 21" long. I couldn't beleive it. I didn't think he would be over 7 lb's but never thought I would ever have a 8 lb child. He is so precious and has the cutest little grunt. I am tired and sore but glad to not have an extra growth inside me anymore. I so excited to have my three kiddo's and everyone else meet him! I will definately post more pictures later!!He had a good set of lungs! He was not happy being out in the cold.