Our little guy is one week old!! He is starting to fill out and is now drinking 3-4oz each time he eats instead of 2 oz. He sleeps the day a way but does have his moments where he is awake and alert and reacting to voices and sounds. He has chubby little cheeks but has a cute little dimple on his right cheek that makes itself know when he grins really big. I am excited to start seeing his personality and little smiles. We are still working on the difference between night and day. Mom is looking forward to more sleep at night. I think Jared is as well so that Mom isn't so emotional and tired. All said and done it is all worth the lack of sleep to have this little guy in our lives.This picture was taken after our first sponge bath at home. He was a lot cleaner but didn't like the process of being cleaned.
Sid was trying to comfort Calvin and make him feel better.
Sid was trying to comfort Calvin and make him feel better.
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