Hee Haws!
Every year we get invited to a customer appreciation night at Hee Haws by Amilynn who sold our Dad's houses in Salt Lake City. The kids love it! It is perfect for a fun evening and we look forward to it every year. We met up with Des and Olivia and also invited to Felix family to join us as well.
Kaleigh, Olivia, and Calvin in the corn box.
Sidney eating her amazingly yummy doughnut.
Hay ride to the corn maze.
Bina, Kaleigh, Olivia, and Ally (Olivia's friend)
Sid, Calvin, and Jared
We took this pix after we finished the corn maze. Calvin would not cooperate so we got a pix of his bum.
Hagen and Ally Feeding the goats.
Jessa checking out the cute baby pigs.
Sid, Jenna, Emma, Olivia, and sarabella
Jared and Calvin petting the sheep and goats.
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