Saturday, October 11, 2014

Rrr Matey!! September 2014

 September 19th was talk like a pirate day.  We love that Krispy Kreme makes a big deal of it.
Calvin and I went to Krispy Kreme dressed as pirates and also talked like a pirate and we each got a free dozen donuts.
I had to post this since it is super funny.  On the 2nd of October was parent teacher conferences.  Everyone is doing great.
Hagen wrote a letter to his dad, Jared, and this is what he wrote (he told the teacher that he calls his dad, "game", but he really doesn't).
The funny thing is that he didn't know how to ride his bike until this past August when we actually grounded him from playing video games until he knew how to ride his bike.
Totally made my day.