Thursday, June 25, 2015

Museum of Natural History- June 10, 2015

 Had a fun day at the Museum of Natural History.  I had purchased discount passes awhile back, but the expiration date was approaching fast and knew that we needed to make a visit.  This is the first time that we have taken all the kiddos to this type of museum.  I loved watching everyone explore and learn about dinosaurs, people of the past, and the many other learning activities that make this so much fun.  My favorite and I think the favorite activity of the kiddos was building a structure with magnets and other supply and then doing the earthquake test to see if our building would survive.  I was very traumatic and exciting when the structure would fall. 
 Hagen, Sidney, Kaleigh, and Calvin

 Digging for dinosaur bones!

 In the mammals exhibit they had the largest mammal that has ever lived, this creature.  I forgot what it is called.  The kiddos thought it would be fun to put their hands up it's nostrils. 
Silly kids!